Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If you think think things are bad now...

Just finished reading The Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, and the Battle for the Supreme Court about Marbury v. Madison. It had some great anecdotes about some Colonial campaigns I wanted to pass along that make things today seem tame.

Most Federalist newspapers, however, spent less time extolling the presidency of Adams than attacking the character of Thomas Jefferson. They denounced Jefferson as godless and immoral, and spread baseless rumors of bizarre worship ceremonies at Monticello. Allegations of an affair between Jefferson and an unnamed women were widely circulated.

Madison los his bid for reelection when he refused to set up barrels of whiskey at the polling places, insisting instead that he would win because voters preferred his views on the issues.


DRB said...

Check page 1 of the acknowledgements in the back...

Jack said...

Wow. That's pretty amazing. They're really letting just about anyone graduate from Michigan these days.

But seriously, nice work.